Saturday, July 10, 2010

I'm Alive!

Well, that was a nice little 9-month break. Somewhere along the line, I started a program in school which was taking up a bunch of my time. My enrollment has since siezed to exist, so I've got some more (very much missed) time on my hands.

I was truly not planning on throwing a post up this morning, but I went online to delete my twitter account, and I don't know! It sucked me right back in!

Anyway, more to come - even after lying dormant for so long. There's lots to catch ya'll up on!

Happy Weekend!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

All the pretty colors

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

So there's an answer to "Why Me?" after all...

I've been on the same birth control for years now, with the exception of a few short stints and efforts at different brands. I realize this intro could mark the beginning of a very personal post, but allow me assure you, the fact that I'm on birth control is about as intimate as this post will get.

Yaz has caught a lot of media scrutiny regarding its marketing tactics, but it wasn't until recently that I learned Yaz is very closely affiliated with blood clots, heart attack, stroke, and GALLBLADDER DAMAGE RESULTING IN SURGICAL REMOVAL.

I, of course, learned of these symptoms on a commercial advertising a massive class action lawsuit. And me, being someone that would never pass up the opportunity to be a beneficiary of the legal system, dialed the 800 number.

There's really not much to tell at this point, other than the fact that I'm officially a qualified claimant. They said they are only in the preliminary stages and are still collecting claimants, so it may be years. But if I can get my hands on any money to make up the $2k in out-of-pocket medical expenses and the three weeks that I ended up having to take off work, it will be well worth the wait.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Fond Farewell

Tonight was my last appointment with my guru.

That's right! Color me functional! ....On paper, at least....

This has actually been in the works for about 2 months now. Last month, by chance, I had to cancel two appointments in a row, which gave me three weeks to further consider what I had already been thinking about... I've been with my guru for close to two years now and there was a point in time when his services were duly needed... When missing just one appointment threw my entire world off its axis. But it occurred to me that I was going into his office weekly with pretty much the same handful of issues, just in rotating order... Even though he'd give me the tools to deal with these problems, I had such a crutch in our weekly meetings, that I would just wait to discuss any issues I had until the appointment rolled around. Maybe it took me close to two years, but I finally recognized the repetition I had been putting this guy through! Same problems, just different instances. Same head banging into the same wall.

So that little three week hiatus really gave me the confidence to let him know what was on my mind. ...He was completely supportive. Congratulated me, even. He gave me some advice based on a Freudian theory: That it is generally time to end treatment when therapy becomes "nice to have" and not "necessary". Which, for me was exactly the case. I had already heard all he had to tell... It was just time to start applying this knowledge on my own. So we set up another appointment a month from that day, which brings us to the present. And in the past four weeks, with life dishing a fair share of crap at me, I surprised myself with my resilience... I knew going in there tonight that this would be my last appointment.

Now in the past, my guru has always made it a point to ask about my family and about Matt. "How's Matt's work?" ...And in the past I've mentioned some things that were causing him stress. Management. Lack of structure. No follow through. But it wasn't until tonight that I actually mentioned Matt's manager by name. Do you see where this is headed?

While discussing Matt's work in the past, my guru mentioned having a friend that happened to work at the same company as Matt. It was only after calling Matt's boss a "putz" for his lack of a spine that I let Bob's name slip. (We'll call Matt's boss "Bob" for obvious reasons). This caught my guru's attention: "Bob, huh? Do you know Bob's last name?", I didn't. I asked "Do you know what city is your friend works in?", he didn't. He then mentioned the last name that rang a millions bells in my head. This guy KNOWS Matt's boss! This guy knows, and I just called his friend a putz! Yeeeah.

Now, I didn't exactly concede the fact that Bob's name did jog my memory, and that the "people" we had been talking about weren't actually "people", but one person. I figured I had done enough damage. I'm just lucky that patient confidentiality will never let my little slip up leave those four walls... Because if it ever does - we are so retiring.

PS Headed off to a week in Mexico on Sunday! I mention this to give me some sense of obligation to tell you about it when I return. Adios!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Courage is....

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear."

~ Ambrose Redmoon

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Getting involved

We've been in our house for coming up on two years now. And for two years, there's been an 8-acre lot of dirt right as you turn into our development... What is to be our future neighborhood park.

A few weeks back we were made aware that the Parks and Recreation had come up with development plan that included two soccer fields... and little else. We were encouraged by one resident leading the cause, to write in and express our distaste for having two soccer fields right around the corner. There's (what?) 20 kids on a soccer field at any given point. Times two. Plus parents. Did I mention they didn't plan for parking?

Junction Park Plans: Before

So I wrote in, saying how I thought two soccer fields was excessive, and it seemed as though they were trying to make a sports complex out of our neighborhood park. I wrote how we were told by the builder that this would be a "neighborhood park", and we bought with that expectation. I wrote how our expectations also consisted of this neighborhood staying a quiet, low-traffic area and how I believed this park would be designed for local residents, but it was instead designed for the City to have another venue for sports leagues. Where is open irrigated space? Why isn't there space provided for other activities besides soccer? Why do we need TWO soccer fields?

Just last week Matt and I attended a "workshop" put on by the City, along with the rest of our neighborhood. And after hearing our concerns, they presented us with a newly devised plan for Junction Park:

Junction Park Plans: After

Check us out! We have bocce ball and open fields and a sand volley ball court and a covered picnic area and a bathroom... But most importantly, we have only ONE soccer field!

I am 100% satisfied with the new design. Visions of us and our kids playing here in a few years seems so much more realistic now that the planning has been revised to be more neighborhood-friendly.

They've already broke ground on the project... I'm just wondering how long it will take for that dirt lot to turn into this beautiful park!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Something to like about work

So on a more positive note... I've been kicking ass and taking names at work. (In between calling my boss out on skewed lead distribution. But I suppose that's a whole other post.)

You may remember me mentioning the tier system... If you you make it to the top four (or more depending on if you tie), you can trust that you'll be receiving the best leads. If you're the other 13 reps that aren't on tier, then you're scraping the bottom of the barrel and can count on making at least 80 phone calls a day, every day. Don't get me wrong, there are ways to climb: Skill, luck, how well you're in with the boss, etc.... But it ain't easy.

...And by now, you probably know where I'm going with this, but I have finally/actually become a fixture on Tier 1!! ...So this is what they mean by "building your pipeline". Life is so much easier on top!

What's more... Every quarter, management hands out awards. There's an award for the top rep for every month of the quarter, a "Rep of the Quarter", one for most referrals generated, and one for "Most Improved Rep". Keep in mind this is the quarter that I was busy losing an organ and being dead to the world.

So the "Most Improved Rep" award is voted on by your peers, and before presenting it, they read off direct quotes of what others had to say about you. Well I'm stoked to announce that I took it home! And I have to say, nothing is better than receiving an award your peers voted for.

...Except maybe receiving two!

To my shock, my name was actually called for "Rep of the Month" for June! They were rattling off statistics and I was honestly not paying very much attention because I thought I didn't stand a chance...

It's awesome to be recognized for working hard. This job is like a game to me... It's all about the numbers. And when I started I wasn't even sure if I could hack it... But it's challenging, and I love that.

...I also love making the 10 and 3-year veterans sweat.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

They weren't kidding when they said it's not fair

And it just keeps coming...

Our ex-landlord, against whom we won a legal judgment, filed for bankruptcy and purposefully didn't list us a creditors. It wasn't until last week, when we found the house we placed a lien on was for sale, that Matt got in touch with the title company was told Batshit was "in talks" with a bankruptcy lawyer. ...Well of course, after a lot of digging, and because bankruptcy documents are open to the general public, we found that she did indeed get discharged from her bankruptcy - last December.

This is where it gets complicated.

We didn't file the lien until January and by law, creditors are not allowed to approach or contact the debtor, let alone put liens on their property, during or after bankruptcy proceedings. Oops. ...But the fact is, we weren't listed as a creditor. We weren't notified... We weren't given our moment in court to convince the judge of why this should not be dismissed like every other creditor had the opportunity to do.

So we stressed and went back and forth about whether we should remove the lien. We were scared that if given any cause, Batshit would file a claim against us. But when Matt arrived at the courthouse to submit the lien removal paperwork, he was informed that if we lift the lien, we are basically exonerating her from any debt owed to us. (Enter the sound of squealing tires).

Come to find out, (but only after more stressing) we are in fact NOT liable for the lien if we weren't informed. Period.

So now we're left with three possibilities:
1) That our judgment stands and we will receive its payment in full by the time escrow closes on her short-sale.
2) That even if we weren't listed as creditors, her debt to us is completely zeroed out and we are responsible for removing the lien.
3) Last, and my favorite second only to actually getting paid, is... That our debt is still zeroed out, but because we weren't aware of the bankruptcy, it is Batshit's responsibility to get the lien removed. ...I'm told it's not cheap.

(I suppose the fourth would be her filing a law suit just because she really is batshit and will take any opportunity to piss us off........)

So in sum, Kids... What have we learned here today?
1) Crazy-ass, legitimately evil people are not just made up in movies.
2) Even if you go through all the trouble to get what's rightfully yours doesn't mean that it will actually become yours again.
3) And last, to check and check again on a party you're considering doing business with. Check their background, check their history, and above all, check their sanity.